Two Mistakes People Might Make When They Hire Divorce Paper Servers

Here are the common errors people tend to make when they hire divorce paper servers.

They describe their ex's appearance instead of showing the server a recent photo

A divorce paper server needs to have some idea of what the recipient of the papers looks like. They need to know this, not because there is any possibility of them giving the papers to the wrong person (as they will always ask the recipient to confirm their name before they hand over these documents) but because not knowing what the recipient looks like will mean it will take longer for the server to identify them and give them the papers.

One error that some people make is not ensuring that they have a recent photo of their ex to show the server when they first consult them. Instead, they just describe their ex's appearance. They may, for example, state that their female ex-partner has long brown hair, brown eyes and an average build. However, this description is vague and could apply to a dozen or more of the women who reside in the local area. By showing the server a recent photo, which showcases the ex's current hairstyle, weight and distinguishing features (such as their glasses or some piercings they have), the server should have a much easier time identifying them when they come across them in public.

They ask the divorce paper server to pass on a message to their ex for them

The other mistake people make is asking their divorce paper server to pass on a message to their ex for them, when they give them the papers. For example, if they know their ex was hurt by being asked for a divorce, they might ask the server to tell their ex that they're sorry for upsetting them.

However, no divorce paper server will do this, and anyone who asks them to will have their request politely declined. The reason for this is as follows; firstly, it is not in the server's job description. Secondly, it would be inappropriate for them to pass on such messages (regardless of how well-intentioned these messages are), and doing so could potentially result in the recipient claiming that the divorce papers were not delivered to them in accordance with the law, which could then lead to them being able to delay the divorce initiation until the papers are served to them again.
